Baby Pantries
Baby Pantries
Child Advocacy Baby Pantry
The Baby Pantry is available free of charge to all Gratiot County residents with children under 5. Open every Wednesday from 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. To order you must fill out the form found at the following link https://childadvocacy.net/baby-pantry-form-2/ This form will only be available between Thursday at 8:00am until Tuesday at 4:00pm. Clients will be unable to place an order after 4:00pm on Tuesday for a pick-up. It is encouraged that clients place orders by Tuesday at 8:00am to allow enough time to package orders. Orders placed before 4:00pm on Tuesday can be picked up that Wednesday.
Pompeii Baby Pantry
Located at Pompeii UMC: 135 Burton St, Pompeii, MI 48874. Open the 1st and 3rd Thursday from 10am to 5pm.