Start Your Own Cabinet
Start Your Own Cabinet!
Starting your own Cabinet my seem like a difficult task, but it can be done. To start a cabinet, you first need somewhere to store all your items. This may be any kind of "Cabinet", it could even be something like an old dresser, just try your best and get creative with it! You essentially just need something that you can store your items in, it needs to be able to keep your items dry, and it needs to be easy to use/open. Next you need to stock your cabinet with food, personal hygiene, and or clothing items. Your cabinet doesn't have to be super full, the items in the cabinet could be things that you aren't going to use at your house, or items that you have received from a friend. You can even get items when they are on sale at the stores and then use them to stock your Cabinet. The last step to starting your own Cabinet is to get the word out. People can't utilize your Cabinet if they don't know about it! You can spread the word many different ways, talk to other Cabinets or pantry's, share on social media, or just talk to your friends and family about it! However big or small your Cabinet is, it will still make an impact within your community!
Is Starting a Cabinet not for you?
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